strange ant at my front yard - part 2

well after those vignette version, which was made accidentally after my experiments combining two lenses, here are the clean one...
rrrr not really clean actually since my camera sensor is quite dirty....fyuhhh...

why it's blurry? naaah.. it's difficult enough to use a reverse lense not atached to the body... but actually I love this accidentaly captured frame. here are some other..
uppss... sorry another blurry frame.. but I just like it either... all right then here're the "clean" one
that's all mates, so if any of know anything about this ant, please let me know by leaving a comment, because who knows this is the last of its kind in the world hahahahha..
see you at next post mates..

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011 by Unknown
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